Book chapters

  • Read, A.F. (2020). Ecology and medicines. In: Dobson, A.P., Tilman, G.D., and Holt, R.D. (ed.s) Unsolved Problems in Ecology. pp. 279-287. Princeton University Press. Corrected Proofs
  • Read, A.F. (2017). Ecology, evolution and the cancer patient. In: Ujvari, B., Roche, B., Thomas, F. (ed.s). Ecology and Evolution of Cancer. pp. 255-257. Elsevier Academic Press. PDF


  • Read, A.F. & Mackinnon, M.J. (2008). Pathogen evolution in a vaccinated world. In: Stearns, S.C. & Koella, J. Evolution in Health and Disease 2nd ed. pp. 139-152. Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Read, A.F. (2007). The evolution of virulence: malaria, a case study. In: Nesse, R (ed.). Evolutionary Medicine. Henry Stewart Talks London (CD-ROM).
  • Read, A.F. (2006). Ballooning parrots and semi-lunar germs. In: Grafen, A. & Ridley, M. (ed.s). Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the World pp. 3-13. Oxford University Press. PDF (uncorrected proofs)
  • Ferguson, H.F., Gandon, S., Mackinnon, M.J. & Read, A.F. (2006). Malaria parasite virulence in mosquitoes and its implications for the introduction and efficacy of GMM malaria control programmes. In: Boete, C (ed.). Genetically Modified Mosquitoes for Malaria Control. pp 103-116. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas. Request a reprint. For promotional book flier click here. For abstract/publisher access click here.
  • Renaud, F., De Meeus, T., & Read, A.F. 2005. Parasitism in man-made ecosystems. In: Thomas, F., Renaud, F., Guegan, J-F (ed.s). Parasitism and Ecosystems. pp. 155-170. Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Read, A.F., Gandon, S., Nee, S., & Mackinnon, M.J. 2004. The evolution of pathogen virulence in response to animal and public health interventions. In: Dronamraj, K. (ed.). Infectious Disease and Host-Pathogen Evolution. pp. 265-292. Cambridge University Press. PDF (uncorrected proofs)
  • Wedekind, C. 2003. Parasite-driven sexual selection for “good genes” versus genetic variability in small populations. In: Animal Behavior and Wildlife Conservation. Festa-Bianchet, M. & Apollonio, M. (eds). pp. 229-242. Island Press, Washington, DC.
  • Read, A.F., Smith, T.G., Nee. S., & West, S.A. 2002. Sex ratios of malaria parasites and related protozoa. In: Hardy, I. (ed.) Sex Ratios: Concepts and Research Methods. pp. 314-332. Cambridge University Press. Request a reprint.
  • Gandon, S. & Michalakis, Y. 2002. Multiple infection and its consequences for virulence management. Book chapter in: Dieckmann, U., Metz, J. A. J., Sabelis, M. W., Sigmund, K. (eds.). Virulence Management: The Adaptive Dynamics of Pathogen-Host Interactions. pp: 150-164. Cambridge University Press.
  • Read, A.F., Mackinnon, M.J., Anwar, M., & Taylor, L. H. 2002. Kin selection models as evolutionary explanations of malaria. In: Dieckmann, U., Metz, J.A.J., Sabelis, M.W., Sigmund, K. (ed.s). Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: In Pursuit of Virulence Management. pp. 165-178. Cambridge University Press. PDF
  • Wilson, K., Bjørnstad, O.N., Dobson, A.P., Merler, S., Poglayen, G., Randolph, S.E., Read, A.F., and Skorping, A. 2002. Heterogeneities in macroparasite infections: patterns and processes. In: Hudson, P.J., Rizzoli, A., Grenfell, B.T., Heesterbeek, H., & Dobson, A.P. The Ecology of Wildlife Diseases. pp. 6-44. Oxford University Press.
  • Wedekind, C. 2002. ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ body odours. In: Current Problems in Dermatology. Vol. 30: Hyperhidrosis and botulinum toxin in dermatology . Kreyden, O. P., Böni, R. & Burg, G. (eds.). pp. 23-29. Karger Verlag, Basel.
  • Wedekind, C. 2002. Implications of sexual selection for virulence management. In: Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases. In Pursuit of Virulence Management. Dieckmann, U., Metz, J. A. J., Sabelis, M. W. & Sigmund, K. (eds.). pp. 248-261. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Grenfell, B.T., Amos, W., Arneberg, P., Bjørnstad, O.N., Greenman, J.V., Harwood, J., Lanfranchi, P., McLean, A.R, Norman, R.A., Read, A.F., & Skorping, A. 2002. Visions for future research in wildlife epidemiology. In: Hudson, P.J., Rizzoli, A., Grenfell, B.T., Heesterbeek, H., & Dobson, A.P. The Ecology of Wildlife Diseases. pp. 151-164. Oxford University Press.
  • Read, A.F., Gemmill, A., & Skorping, A. 2000. Evolution of nematode life histories: theory meets reality? In: Poulin, R., Morand, S., & Skorping A. (ed.s). Evolutionary Biology of Host-Parasite Relationships: Theory Meets Reality. pp. 237-246. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Request a reprint.
  • Wedekind, C. & Penn, D. 2000. MHC genes, body odors, and odor preferences. In: Von Haut und Haar. 22. Winterthurer Fortbildungskurse. Kappeler, H. (ed.).
  • Read, A.F., & Taylor, L. H. 2000 Within-host ecology of infectious diseases: patterns and consequences. In: Thompson, R.C.A. (ed.) The Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. pp. 59-75. Arnold, London. PDF

Last century

  • Read, A.F., Aaby, P. Antia, R., Ebert, D., Ewald, P.W., Gupta, S., Holmes, E.C., Sasaki, A., Shields, D.C., Taddei, F., Moxon, E.R. 1999. Group report: What can evolutionary biology contribute to understanding virulence? In: Stearns, S.C. (ed.) Evolution in Health and Disease. pp. 205-215. Oxford University Press. Request a reprint.
  • Nee, S., Read, A.F., & Harvey, P.H. 1996. The comparative method. In: Martins, E.P. Phylogenies and the Comparative Method in Animal Behaviour. pp. 399-411. Oxford University Press.
  • Read, A.F., & Skorping, A. 1995. Causes and consequences of life history variation in parasitic nematodes. In: Griffin, C., & Gwynn, R.L., & Masson, J.P. (ed.s) Ecology and Transmission of Entomopathogenic Nematodes. pp. 58-68. European Commission, Brussels EUR 1629.
  • Read, A.F., Albon, S.D., Antonovics, J., Apanius, V., Dwyer, G., Holt, R.D., Judson, O. Lively, C.M., Martin-Löf, A., McLean, A.R., Metz, J.A.J, Schmidt-Hempel, P., Thrall, P.H., Via, S. & Wilson, K. 1995. Group report: genetics and evolution of infectious diseases in natural populations. In: Grenfell, B. & Dobson, A. (ed.s) Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations. pp. 450-477. Cambridge University Press. Request a reprint.

The Read Group began in Edinburgh in 1993. If you really are looking for publications before then, email Andrew.