Rahel Salathé

Email: rms55@psu.edu


Pennsylvania State University:

2011 - present: Senior Research Associate in the Read lab

2010 - 2011: Postdoctoral research fellow in the lab of Dr. Iliana Baums

MBARI - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute:

2008 - 2009: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Deep-Sea Genetics lab of Prof. Robert Vrijenhoek

ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology:

2003 - 2007: PhD in Experimental Ecology & Evolution in the group of Prof. Paul Schmid-Hempel

2000 - 2001: Diploma (equivalent to a masters degree) on Coastal food webs, Station Biologique de Roscoff (Paris IV), France. Supervised by Dr. Pascal Riera (Paris IV) & Prof. René Camenzind (ETH Zürich)

1996 - 2001: Studies of Biological Sciences with emphasis on Ecology, Systematics & Evolution

Research interests


Adin R (former name) & Riera P (2003) Preferential Food Source Utilization among Stranded Macroalgae by Talitrus saltator (Amphipod, Talitridae): A Stable Isotope Study in the Northern Coast of Brittany (France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56(1): 91-98

Salathé M, Salathé R, Schmid-Hempel P & Bonhoeffer S (2006) Mutation Accumulation in Space and the Maintenance of Sexual Reproduction. Ecology Letters 9(8): 941-946

Salathé R & Schmid-Hempel P (2011) The Genotypic Structure of a Multi-Host Bumblebee Parasite Suggests a Role for Ecological Niche Overlap PLoS ONE 6(8): 1-11

Schmid-Hempel R,  Salathé R,  Tognazzo M & Schmid-Hempel P (2011) Genetic exchange and emergence of novel strains in directly transmitted trypanosomatids. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11(3): 564-571

Salathé R & Riera P (2012) The role of Talitrus saltator in the decomposition of seaweed wrack on sandy beaches in northern Brittany: an experimental mesocosm approach. Cahier Biologie Marine 53(4) : 517-524

Salathé R & Vrijenhoek RB (2012) Temporal variation among bacterial endosymbionts of Osedax bone worms (Polychaeta: Siboglinidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 189

Salathé R, Schmid-Hempel R & Schmid-Hempel P (2012) Probing mixed genotype infections I: Extraction and cloning of infections from hosts of the trypanosomatid Crithidia bombi. PLoS One 7(11): p1-9

Huijben S, Day T, Bell A, Sim D, Salathé R, Tomassello D, Mideo N & Read A (2012) Aggressive chemotherapy and the evolution of drug resistant pathogens. Submitted
